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Today we decorated the Christmas tree and hung the stockings! Since we will be moving and remodeling right in the middle of this festive season we won't be putting out as much decor as normal. Maddox and Nick put the star on top of the tree after it was decked out with ornaments. Maddox found it necessary to add his own touch to the tree, his superhero mask.

Nana and Pop gave Maddox a treasure chest with 25 wrapped presents. Every night Maddox will open the present then Nick or I will read him the book. The first book was really neat; it was about the Avengers super heroes and Maddox was included in the story. Now we are left with an anxious 3 year old who wants to open the rest of the gifts already. Teaching him patience is going to be an important factor this year.

He's made a list, all things boy.

So I have to share the story about the play dough excavator pictured above:
 Nick, Maddox and I ran to Target Friday evening to buy gifts for the little ones we buy Christmas gifts for. While at Target Maddox is going bananas insisting that we take pics of this, that and oh this too. He didn't understand why we were in the toy section without buying him something to go home with, a little spoiled, eh? We are trying to explain the real meaning of Christmas and also that it is a time for giving, we aren't a family in need and some little boys and girls are, etc. It just so happens that Nana and the four cousins were also at Target and Madman ended up going home with them. This gave Nick and I the chance to do a little Christmas shopping for Maddox as well. We get done shopping, pick up Maddox and head home. As we get home Nick grabs a few bags and heads inside with Maddox shadowing behind him. I walk in the door after grabbing the remaining bags to fin Madman eagerly digging in a large, red Target bag. I stand there mouth wide open, quickly pull it together and ask Nick what was going on. Nick replies "I told him not to look in there." MEN! Nick quickly grabs the bag and keeps it away from Maddox. As Maddox realizes that he isn't getting to play with the toy he just found his eyes feel with tears and the saddest, toddler face ever is looking at me for help. Of course we try to explain to Maddox that Mommy and Daddy tried to buy him a few gifts to wrap and have under the tree for him. I ask Madman exactly what he saw in that bag-"The play dough truck I wanted that's green". Maddox goes on to make us feel a little worse about ourselves (he was mainly directing things to Nick which I found quite humorous), "There's no sense in treating me like this. Why would you do that to me?" The tone of his voice was so pathetic and so real. It seriously made me tear up and Nick immediately felt so guilty even though we both know we were innocent; the three year old prevailed. Before you knew it we gave Maddox the toy and let him have fun all evening with it. Maddox played and played with that little toy making sure to remind daddy exactly how he made him feel. Throughout the evening the would randomly say "I can't believe you would treat me like that!" Not once did his tone have sarcasm or a sense of laughter to it. Each expression was with heartbreak and pity. Priceless.

ways to be thrifty and giving this holiday season...
1. make your presents this year
2. use coupons or catch things on sale
3. walk or carpool
4.buy the off-brand at regular grocers
5. adopt a child (local churches often have a giving tree) this season so they don't have a disappointing day
6. sell a few old things on FB to get some extra cash
7. send a sweet card to a distant family member
8. instead of going out on dates, stay in for a Christmas special on TV and snuggle
9. use simple gifts and do something creative with it to make them over the top
10. find cool presents at antique stores or thrift shops
11. only buy items off your premade list when going to the store
12. make big pots of soup or casseroles that last all week
13. have people over instead of going out for entertainment
14. donate old sweaters, scarves, and blankets to local shelters
15. buy presents that support good causes like medical research
16. make food and cookies for gifts instead of buying
17. volunteer with your family
18. gather change and put it in the salvation army pot
19. decorate simply - this can save you tons
20. remember the reason for the season

1 comment:

  1. Such a good idea! Stealing this for the future Christmas holidays!!!
