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During a surprise trip to Lake Rayburn, Nick decided to make everything official (Missy agreed) and they announced that they would spend the rest of their lives together.
This is how Grammy (Nick's mom) described the moment: Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess named Missy Breaux, and a handsome prince named Nikolas Roberts. Even though there were perils and pitfalls in the beginning, he knew she was his true love so he made a grand plan to ask for her hand in marriage. He and his other true love, Maddox Alexander Roberts took the princess to a lovely place called Rayburn Country. On a high, beautiful peak (with a daring photographer hiding close by) he knelt at her feet and presented her with a diamond ring worthy of her beauty and asked her to marry him. Nikolas had another surprise awaiting the princess- when they returned to their lodging, family and friends were waiting in the dining hall to honor them. This is a true story that cannot be closed with the traditional "The End".
This was truly a weekend I could never forget. There is not a single thing that I would change or do over. Nick truly put so much thought and effort into this special moment. The setting was beautiful, the biblical quote perfect, the ring amazing, and the boys God sent. I am constantly replaying this event over and over in my mind. I am truly thankful and lucky that God has put these two in my life. I cannot wait to make it official and marry my best friend! "And remember, I am with you always to the end of age" Matthew 28:20

cheers to us

 Nick: Shirt-Polo, Shorts-UnderArmor
Maddox:Shirt-Polo, Shorts-Target, Loafers- BabyGap
Photo: Daws Photography