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Thanksgiving is a time to truly focus on acknowledging and appreciating all of the Lord's blessings upon us. Being a school nurse gives me the opportunity to be off for a full week to have lots of extra time with my family. We spent Wednesday and Thursday in Houston; we slept at Maddox's Nanny's house. Wednesday Nick and I (along with Brook and Aunt Kathy-the experts) were on a mission to make some final decisions for the new house we are remodeling. We had a lot of success and left feeling accomplished.
Thursday we spent the day at Aunt Kathy's house with the Porter family. We had all of the fixings one can imagine and finished the meal off with two tables full of dessert to chose from. After lunch the ladies headed to the craft room for some wreath making. I am not a crafty person but this was so much fun. We plan to continue this tradition and make something each year.

To top off the week four of my cousins came home with my mom and me to spend some QT with us. Thursday night Kendall, Addison and I headed out for some late night shopping with some of my friends. We borrowed my dad's work van and decorated it with lots of cheesy, dollar store Christmas decorations. This was so much fun; we laughed all night and ended up not spending much money at all. Having my "babies" in town makes me the happiest person. These "babies" are now much taller than me and have such fun personalities. Saying goodbye to them is always hard on my heart and it seems that Madman feels the same way.

Saturday Beau Reve had a Christmas Party for children of all ages. We started the morning off with pancakes and sausage with Santa and then headed outside to do some crafts. Maddox made reindeer hands and then colored Christmas pages. Santa was also there to take noted on what he wanted for Christmas. Maddox (with the help of Daddy) wrote a letter to Santa to make sure he knew exactly what he wanted this year. Hopefully Santa writes back soon! Nederland High School sent over the actors from "Whimsical Christmas" to see the kids. Madman loves the Grinch and was so excited when he spotted them, until I asked him to take a picture with them. Saturday night Ridge, Zachary and Addison stayed the night. They played all night until Maddox was completely exhausted. These are moments I will forever cherish. Maddox decided to color his face and hands with marker; his sensitive skin couldn't handle this so he broke out in a rash shortly after.


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