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This Halloween Maddox and Nick chose the costume, the first costume that is. Maddox dressed up as Hulk for Halloween events blogged earlier this week. The weather this day was awful; there was rain, rain, and more rain. That didn't stop this mom from dressing up her little man. Maddox was the Naked Cowboy NYC. I love doing costumes that are cheap, homemade and original. I bought a cowboy hat at Walmart for 3$ and painted it white. I also painted Maddox's old cowboy boots white and Nick wrote "tips" and "naked cowboy" on the sides. Maddox actually already had a pair of whitey tighties (he has to have them for his white pants/shorts). I wrote "Naked Cowboy, USA and NYC" on the underwear. The real Naked Cowboy has tattoos; I went ahead and printed out one tattoo to match the real deal. I was able to borrow a guitar from a friend and made the front to represent the guitar he uses in NYC. Needless to say, this was a very simple costume and totally awesome at the same time. I dressed up as a NYC tourists with my fanny pack, I love NY shirt and camera. I recently threw out my NY shirt so I improvised and made my own (it worked).  Nick was planning to do the same but ended up having to head to Houston for work. He was very disappointed that he would have to miss this years trick or treat but I made sure to take several pictures for that hard working daddy! We spent the evening with family; the weather did not allow for door to door trick-or-treating so we kept it simple. We went to Nana and Pop's house for hot dogs and treats then headed over to the great-grandparents', Brina's, aunts'/uncles'. The Landry's always get a good laugh out of the costumes we choose. While we were at Nana's house several of our cousins came over and Maddox was able to play with them.


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