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Another snow (ice) day in Texas allowed me to stay home and finally decorate Madman's room. I literally spent over 4 hours in that unorganized and chaotic room. This room is much bigger than his room before but he also has a full size bed that we didn't have before. This took up a lot of space and left me with an overflow of toys everywhere. I seriously didn't know where to start. I stood around piddling and organizing until it finally came to me. We did get rid of a few toys (with the boy's approval of course) that freed up some room. I have his initials to hang but first I have to cover them in comic book paper. These letters will hang either under the high shelf or on the wall by his bed, not sure yet. I still have a couple other projects for this room but I am oh so excited that I finally have made progress in there. When Maddox came to his room to view it for the first time he was in shock. He kept walking around looking at every detail saying "WOW! This is the coolest room ever. I love it, Mommy, thank you so much!" He went on and on; it made the hours totally worth it.

I had two of these shelves that my dad made for me in college. They were perfect in Maddox's room to display some of his favorites. 

The wall color is Functional Gray by SW. The dresser was given to me from a very special aunt of mine, Janice! When aunt Janice gave me this piece I knew it had so much potential. I used Annie Sloan chalk paint to paint it this gray color (I painted this last summer). Love! The window (not pictured) still need curtains, I haven't found the perfect ones yet. It's a huge window that let's in so much natural light. Maddox tends to destroy the train tracks as soon as I put it together so we have learned to use the train table as a play area instead of it's intended use. The four canvases on top were painted by my oh so talented cousin, Diana-thanks!!
The wooden truck was made by my Uncle Denny. He handcrafted this 18 wheeler to store Maddox's Hotwheels. There 3 different layers and each later holds several cars. It's the perfect storage for these cars that would otherwise get lost all over the house. The devotional book is something we read every night with Maddox. Nick reads it and then we ask Maddox was it was about and do a quick summary. It's the perfect book for little boys. 

My place of work was getting rid of this desk last year; I took one home and used
Chalkboard paint on top to give it a fresh look. The desk fits perfect in the closet. Yes, in the closet. I didn't want to have this out in the open for everyone to see when they came over. We really want to he school Maddox and are doing a PreK homeschool program with him now; it's computer based. This gives him the perfect space to sit and learn. I can close it off and no one has to look at it. I still need to organize his shirts by color but they are sorted by sleeve length for now. 

While Maddox was napping I made sure to hang this. He got the batman mural from Hagen for Christmas; he has begged to put it up ever since. When Maddox woke up he was more than excited. It was adorable! 

This poster still has to be framed but I couldn't wait to hang it the second it got off the UPS truck today. I worked very hard on this special project. I used an online editor to create this. I asked my creative soon to be MIL to write a superhero story about Maddox. I couldn't have ever made this up. This is her calling for sure. I took pictures of Maddox in our backyard at the old house and used them! It took a lot of time to get the right font, font color, size, alignment, texture etc but I am completely happy with the outcome! Here is the story Grammy wrote: 

The discovery of a 3 year old boy in Southeast Texas with superhero powers made the news today. The parents of the amazing boy told us the story of what happened:
Maddox was digging in the dirt looking for rocks and shells. He found a bright, sparkling rock that shot out laser beams of light when he picked it up. Immediately, his muscles got bigger, he could see and hear things far away, and he could run faster than ever before. He ran inside to show us what happened. We were amazed at how strong and fast he was!
Then Maddox said, “Did you hear that?”. We said “no, what is it?”.
“I can hear some kids yelling for help, I’ve got to go save them!”, said Maddox. When he got there the boy and girl where trapped under a swing set that had fallen over. Maddox lifted the swings off them and made sure they were alright.
On the way home, Maddox saw a dog crossing the road where fast cars were going by. The dog almost ran out in the road, but Maddox ran with super speed and grabbed him just in time. “Look both ways before you cross the road!”.
When he got home, we had been so worried about him. Maddox said, “Mom, Dad, I’m sorry I worried you. Next time I have to go save somebody, I will be sure to let you know where I’m going.” “Now, is there anything I can help with around the house? Lift some big boxes or move something heavy for you?”
We told him,  “No, our little super hero, just come over here and give us a SUPER hug!” “I guess we will have to get used to you saving the world from the bad guys, and helping kids and animals in trouble!”
The world needs more good guys, reported The News, and we will be keeping everyone up-to-date on Maddox Roberts, our newest super hero!


Maddox's bed is his baby bed that was a 3 in 1. We converted it to the full size for the first time. We went and purchased a mattress to get home and find out that the dimensions are off somewhere. The mattress is too small (by a couple inches) to fit inside the frame. I double checked the paperwork and it says it's a full size. No clue what's going on. Nick cut (yep using a hand saw, so proud) slats to fit across the frame which held the mattress perfectly. That didn't last long. Grammy came over last night and was playing with Madman when they felt the bed break. It was totally not Grammy's fault. The way the bed was supported was ridiculous. We didn't notice this until the bed was broken. We have used wood glue to put it back together and have a plan for making the braces to actually support the mattress. Cross your fingers! If all else fails we will just get a new bed. I'll be happy either way. I have special plans for the bed. I will update soon...

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