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Where do I start? There are so many projects going on right now. We hired a contractor to help with the new construction. My Uncle Gary has been a true blessing; he is such a hug help. He has demolished the house in a matter of days and we are so thankful. After work Nick and I head to the new house and tear out, great therapy. We started demo the day we signed the papers. Nick and I really had no idea where to start. We also were working with the very few tools we had (I think we had a couple screwdrivers and a drill). We managed to rip out linoleum using just that. Click here to see the before pictures!

This is a picture of the garage looking into the utility room

This is the existing wall that is going to be a new entry to the house. The utility room was only accessible through the garage. It was full of paneling, popcorn ceiling and a little dingy. We ripped out the paneling, got rid of the outdated celling look and created a new doorway. Maddox here is helping with the tear out.

Nick has become quite the handy man; I am proud. Here he is cutting back sheetrock so that our ne tub and tile fits.

This is the master bath after the demo, a complete gut!

The pantry has been extended

I headed to Parkers to pick up 11 new doors for in the house
Headed to the new house with donut holes in hand

Large trailer loaded down with product from the demo
Maddox having fun on the tire swing Uncle Gary hung for him


This is how we have been living at our rent house. Literally living out of boxes and sitting Indian style on the floor. I sold our couch in November and the dining table let Thanksgiving day.

Just a mess going on
Love the marble we chose (Carrera)
The granite will be installed soon

The tile is almost finished in the guest bath

Old mirror; it's huge. We kept it and had it framed. The edges were wore out and scratched up. For 130 dollars we had a mirror that looked brand new. Thanks Nick and Dad for installing the frame (saved about 200 bucks)

First time to timeout in the new house

Going help Pop in the attic. They are doing electrical work. Adding a light switch and outlet in the new utility room. We installed an ironing board that is stored in the wall

The painters (Mr. Harmon a man my dad uses to build his homes) taped up and are beginning to spray 

Before cleaning the light
 I used a chandelier kit, you spray it on and let it clean. Amazing stuff

Clean up

New door is being installed to the man cave

Outside bathroom

Cabinets from the man cave that will be painted and used as storage in the garage

Dad working hard

Richie, Nick and Dad had hell with this fan. It was 35 pounds and not an easy install. It's gorg though
After working all day Maddox and I went to Nana's for dinner.

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