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So a few weeks ago nick built this herb garden box for me, no pattern or tips needed. I am so proud of his work. Finally today I am planting my herbs. We planted rosemary, sage, cilantro, sweet mint and spearmint, parsley, oregano, and basil. In the pot we planted jalapeƱo. Please grow! I am so excited for this years garden. I know it's not much but I am more than happy about it. It was also a time for us to educate Maddox on food and where the good stuff comes from (not processes and then packaged to sale). It's important for him to see us being healthy so that he wants to make those same decisions when he has the choice. While picking out our herbs Maddox found a cactus he wanted to "watch sometimes". We let him plant this by himself. It is supposed to rain tonight, perfect timing. I also bought a nice lavender plant. I plan to use it for aromatic reason and maybe a little baking if I get brave enough. If you have any tips for me on gardening please share!

I must say thank you to my friend Ranelle who gave such a thoughtful hostess gift. She made me a basket with her amazing spaghetti recipe, a wine glass, kitchen towel and two herbs, oregano and parsley.
BTW, this pot I found on the side of the road. I am going to paint it to give a pop of color.
Happy Sunday! 


  1. I LOVE it!!! I keep telling Peter that my goal is to start growing herbs and a few other things by next spring. I am awful at growing anything so I am not even going to attempt it with a new baby, but next year I really want to try. The boxes look great.

  2. Thank you! I do NOT have a green thumb but I am going to give it a go. I did potted herbs last year; they are low maintenance so it's definitely something good to start with! I tried doing a bit of research before starting that way I had a little knowledge before I jumped in. I am really hoping the jalapenos grow!
