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Ever heard of this term? I sure haven't until today. Here is the term according to Wikipedia: "refers to precipitation that forms when super cooled droplets of water are collected and freeze on a falling snowflake, forming a 2–5 mm (0.079–0.197 in) ball of rime. Strictly speaking, graupel is not the same as hail or ice pellets." Interesting.This morning while at work there were little white flurries falling from the sky. I was ecstatic. It was "snowing" in Port Neches. Maddox was at home with Sabrina; I immediately called her so he could go outside and see the graupel before it stopped. Lord knows it wouldn't last long here. Maddox was so excited and running all over the yard happy that it finally "snowed" (after all of our snow days we had that left us without any snow). Here are some pics Sabrina took for me.

Yep, this is the "snow" that we were so excited to see.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww my sweet family! You and Nick took such good care of me- and of course seeing Maddox always lights my life!
    You are so multi-talented-- writer, decorator, fashionista! I wish I could have this blog as a book.
    Love, Grammy
