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Sweet Grammy was admitted to the hospital Thursday night for high blood pressure. Her numbers were extremely high but the wonderful staff at Baptist Hospital of Beaumont took great care of her. Grammy was released from the hospital tonight so we picked her up, boy was she happy! Maddox was so worried about Grammy as soon as he heard me talking about Grammy being in the hospital. He begged and begged for us to bring him to the hospital. We didn't think it was a good idea for him to be in the ER to visit so we waited until she got to her room. Maddox would be lost with out his Grammy so we need to make sure she stays healthy and active. We love you, Grammy!

Friday night we hung around the house after paying Grammy a visit and having dinner at Elena's. I was able to hang some curtains in Maddox's room. While hanging the rod I managed to knock the wooden support down and it hit my right in my forehead. I now have a HUGE knot and the bruising is starting. OUCH! I kicked and cussed right in front of Maddox; mom of the year award goes to me. However, the curtains look amazing and Maddox loves them. The curtains are from Bed Bath & Beyond for 11$, the tie back is a mask that came with a super hero cape Sabrina bought Maddox last year.

Saturday morning was a wake up call for me. We took Maddox to his T-ball meeting at 11:00 to meet his new friends and the coach. I am seriously excited about him playing baseball and having something to look forward to but I cannot get over him being old enough to play. I wore extra large sunglasses so no one would see the tears in my eyes. I love every stage of this little man's life but I want him to stay my baby. Some one needs to figure out how to make this happen before I end up committed for my emotional breakdowns. This is going to be tough... Nick ended up becoming an assistant coach and is so excited to share this "boy" time with Maddox. Monday night is Maddox's first practice-I probably will wear the same sunglasses and not wear any makeup. It looks like his first game will be March 22nd and then he will play every Saturday thereafter.

Iylah turned ONE! Casey had the cutest theme for a little girl; it was darling! Iylah is always dressed perfect for every occasion. The only problem I see is that they live in ATX which is too far from Madman. Any who, the birthday was perfect. The kids went home with plenty of precious treats that Casey made herself. They will be posted on her blog soon! Maddox couldn't believe that he got to sit on and pet a "real" unicorn. Iylah got SO many gifts and definitely enjoyed her party!

This picture is hilarious.
He did not want to  be a unicorn

Casey made the unicorns, I'm impressed!

Trying to drive while my sons sticks a unicorn through the front seat. Thanks, Casey.
Off to the hospital we go..
After the party we headed to visit Grammy again. She was sitting at the end of the hallway enjoying the sunlight beaming in the large windows. Maddox and Grammy played and enjoyed each other while I lectured Grammy (I am positive she was tired of hearing it) about her health. Grammy is way too special to our family so we can't have anything bad happen to her. Nick really is so good to his momma. He picked her up from work to rush her to the ER and has been there everyday to make sure she is ok and bring her whatever she may need. He's definitely a blessing. Maddox is able to light up Grammy's world; she does the same for him! We wanted a really good steak for dinner so we decided to go to Beau Reve, amazing!

Today, Sunday, was a work day. My dad came over to lend a helping hand on a few more projects we needed to complete around the house. While Nick and Dad worked on electrical and plumbing I did some picking up and lounging (I wasn't feeling 100%). Keelie came over and was able to "spend the day" with Maddox (as Maddox says). Tonight I hung curtains in the mudroom and finished hanging curtains in the guest bath. When I originally hung the curtains in the guest bath I bought to different lengths so I had to run them back and exchange one for the right length. I am really liking the way things are turning out, slowly but surely. I still need to steam the curtains but I really couldn't wait to hang them! I am doing that tomorrow after work.

The fridge that's pictured is now gone and I am so excited to have it out of the house
Dad and Nick fixed the bed. I still have pillows and such to buy for the bed but at least he can lay the for naps and movie time.
the entry ^^
Ignore the wrinkles

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