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Jefferson County shuts down when the forecast calls for snow. The highways are closed, schools are cancelled or delayed a couple hours and people don't know how to act. We haven't seen any snow at this point but there is some sleet and there are icicles. Maddox really hasn't seen either of these (besides in June on the top of a mountain in Colorado as a baby) and boy was he excited. This morning he put on his slippers, a hat, pants and jacket then headed to the backyard. We haven't even been in our house for a full week and we get to see it with icicles, pretty exciting for us SETX folks. Madman was thrilled as he looks at all of his toys and our outdoor furniture that are iced over. While we were outside there was a little sleeting going on. As Maddox starts walking on the crunchy grass he notices a big difference in the way it feels. His remark was "Mom, I think I'm walking on peanuts!". Can anyone help me understand this one? No clue.

That's our icicles that caused for the county to shut down, pretty funny

I hear something in the pantry so I sneak around to see what's going on. Maddox grabbed his stool and made his way to the shelf with his snacks on it. Guess he was ready for breakfast.

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