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Every night since Saturday my family and our friend Kyle has come over to help finish things up. Mom and I have handled dinner, unpacking and decorating while the men handle the construction aspect of things. Kyle is an electrician and has seriously been a blessing to us. He has given us light in places that had none, helped eliminate the mess of wires, crawled in the attic time and time again, and so on. Last night Kyle was at it in the attic again, until we hear some chaos going on and then see half of Kyle hanging out of the kitchen ceiling. Yes, he is ok. I was scared, bad. He wasn't moving, his leg was hanging and we had no clue what happened. Nick rushed upstairs to help Kyle and found that everything was okay. Kyle got electrocuted, when he let go of the wire he fell back which caused him to fall through the ceiling. We had a pretty big mess (old insulation is gross) that was easy to clean up and a hole that was also an easy fix. I was worried about Kyle's heart. His wife, Devon, thankfully wasn't here yet and didn't see it. I can't imagine what she would have felt. So scary and he is doing good today but is a little sore. He text me earlier letting me know that he was "staying home to lick my wounds".
Today we bought our new fridge from Sears. Quite an upgrade I'd say. We love it and I can't wait to stock it. 



We haven't really been stocking up on groceries since we knew we were moving. Tonight I finally made it to the store and grabbed lots of groceries. We are so sick of eating out every night and look forward to many more home cooked meals. 


I like to say that I'm pretty organized and I actually think doing so is a lot of fun. To keep my thoughts together I made lists and hung them by each door. When family comes over they are able to look at the list and know what needs to be worked on. It's helped in so many ways and I really recommend everyone trying this!

1 comment:

  1. holy smokes! we need an electrician over here, i'm wondering if i can bribe the franks over for a good trip and put him to work in the kitchen haha!
